SharePoint / Office 365 Made Easy: Customize Without Coding
11.00 AM PST | March 28, 2018
While stats show that 60% of organizations struggle to engage their employees in using SharePoint, it is the technical challenges associated with customization while building applications that diminish the potential of SharePoint. To deal with this challenge, organizations need the ability to build customized business applications which would drive enterprise level adoption.
To help organizations combat this, AgreeYa organized this webinar in which we introduced QuickApps -set of powerful web apps and pre-built templates that simplifies and accelerates SharePoint development and customization leading to higher adoption.
Our experts demonstrated, how QuickApps for SharePoint and Office 365 allows businesses and technical users to create custom and powerful lists, charts, forms, menu and much more.
The webinar is now available for download. Click on the video, to learn:
- How to customize SharePoint without coding
- How to build applications on SharePoint up-to 80% faster
- Build applications that are easy to upgrade, maintain, and support
- Increase SharePoint adoption and ROI for the organization
If you want to know more about QuickApps or want to discuss how it can help your organization, drop us an email at